Hell long time didnt update my bloody blog
So this will be a quite long post, maybe? lazy then less.
As you guys know I worked at sakae sushi as server,
quite exhausted but fun! It's a great experience for me, beginner.
I love there, peoples there are damn friendly and good.
So maybe next year holiday go there too? hehe.
And then changed job to work as promoter.
Cause mum says it's more relax and not so tiring so yea, changed.
I still miss them, sakae workers, so much.
Anddd, went IOI mall with clovis, watched skyfall.
Theme song by Adele damn nice. And ehherm eherrm =P
Had a nice day too, happy enough!
Wish to hang out with him againnn. =]
Sleep well goodnight guys. Muacks xoxo hehe.