Woah~Happy April Fools day yarr all.
alot people fooled me en..=.=
bad news
Its about lingesh, he likes me although i dont know izit real /.\
I've told vinodh that i just like him as a friend like him and shah
soo...i wanted to reject him, but i think vinodh told him what i've
said and the last period his face seems like really mad, SORRY~
I really dont wana lose a friend like lingesh larr, cause his funny
and awesome.xD He's consider my best friend larr:))) but i
dont know whether is he angry-ing me right now
I hope he wont hate me like he hate kelly lorrr /.\
good news
wakakaka~~ it's april fool and nobody know i actually
already couple with somebodyy, cause no one will actually
think that i will couple with him, if i said it out, everybody
will like: what??!! u've couple with him?? it's gona be like
unbelievable and shocking, i dont know whether are we
couple-ing public now, but i think, i think he can accept guaaaa/.\
I hope nobody ask me about this.xDD
Lastly, ciao and AWESOME be:)
I love you.