Thursday, June 2


Hehe, my blog's back to life. Sorry for closing my  blog AWHILE.
Cause under maintainence. Lolz.  As i was saying. 
holidays starts and everybody's excited. like DUH. Its was.
But , let's get real. holidays are boring.xD  am i right? YEAH.

Ans im getting pretty mad about something. 
something that keep killing me. its the SDO-pets up.
The stupid GM blocked my account and i cant play it.
I've spend almost OVER 100 riggit malaysia inside it. 

click da pic to view larger/<

Firstly log in and say :" your got to be kidding me."
second time: " WTF?? this is ridiculous. "
And i start asking my game friends and post it on facebook
and posted picture too. Its really really RIDICULOUS.
Fine, i'll go play maple instead. But kinda lazy. xP

Okay, I've made new pictures up there as you can see it
and also new songs.xD which i like . hehe~

P.s: happy holidays ya-.-