Thursday, June 7

Im still okay.

他电话被没收了  闲咯。

Meanss cant text. z

I thought his phone will be off and i keep send messages...

Luckily I stopped if not keep write my feelings lol. 

If feels great keep sending messages to some phone

And it wont reply, it's like 不会闷在心里

一直狂 send, 满爽的 .

他昨天的那一句  弄得我心情蛮好的




Gambatehhh. Add oil. Hwaiting ! 


你讲你的直觉很准? 我不信你咯

我...不信 > <  哼!

讨厌啦... 一直泼我冷水

Hope you have a Good-night & sweet dreamss.

and a good day tomorrow!

#Wonder If you miss me  like I do.